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LIVE: International Yoga Day: How Can India Leverage Yoga's Global Appeal?|Vantage with Palki Sharma
International Yoga Day: How Can India Leverage Yoga's Global Appeal? | Vantage With Palki Sharma
A Conversation About Diversity In Western Yoga Asana Practice and Spaces with Susanna Barkataki
#3 The flies that bind: Assa Doron talks waste in India
April 2017 Chapter Meeting Kim Crider Leading Projects in the Digital Age with slides embedded pro
Dr Shashi Tharoor addressing the 2nd US India Conference 2017
TechTalk On-Air | Responding with Resilience and Readiness in the Changing Times
DAY 1- Technical Session 2: Impact Linked Financing Models: Balancing Purpose with Profits
Creative Distillation Episode 18: Yoga's Transformation and California Wines
Greece and its New Geopolitical Challenges: which way forward?
Session 4: The international role of the euro
Award Presentation to Young Scientists | Held at Telangana Academy of Sciences | at Tarnaka